So here we are in the midst of lockdown from the dreaded Covid-19 virus. And whilst many employees are preparing for the Easter weekend and have spent time away from
It seems that the older one gets, the faster time seems to disappear.
Once again I find myself in November, having come to a disappointing halt, some months ago, with John
Wow! - I can't believe it was November when I last completed a Partnership to Success assignment.
I could make any number of excuses; car hunting in November, the death of
You may have seen a demonstration involving the following items:
A large glass jar
Some stones
Some pebbles
Some sand
The demonstration goes like this; the person starts by putting the
Multitasking is a myth; you cannot consciously work on more than one thing at a time.
This is why the unconscious mind is so important. If you're driving you are only
Getting things done, especially the right things at the right times is a constant struggle for me - and I'm sure I'm not alone.
It's certainly not down to a lack