Welcome to my Entrepreneur’s Journey.

Navigate my site… read, comment, share, laugh, cry, click links, take and use any information that’s useful to you.

If you want to know why I’m doing this, my post Epiphany From a Smoke Alarm will reveal all.

You’ll notice my journey is centred around my experiences as a student of John Thornhill’s Partnership To Success Programme.

If you would like to find out more about it and perhaps start your own journey, instead of just reading about mine, I can highly recommend John’s FREE webinar, where he literally tells you how you can set up your very own automated sales machine that can generate autopilot income for you every day of the year.

As a newbie to internet marketing and how to make money online, I decided to invest in John’s programme and can tell you it’s really helped me, by allowing me to follow a step-by-step system and access a forum of other journeyers and a support desk for help and motivation whenever I’ve needed it. I’ve also been able to push forward with confidence, knowing that I’m doing the right things, using the right tools and building products that John and his army of affiliates will help me promote.

Here’s the link to the webinar. Go and find out more from and about the man who’s inspired my own journey and blog. You may as well – it’s free!


I hope you like what you see on my blog enough to opt-in to my email updates so that you’re the first to know when I post something new or have more to share exclusively with my email subscribers. You’ll see the ‘Connect with Paul’ form on the side panel, or at the bottom of the page, depending on whether you’re viewing this on a phone, tablet or something bigger.

Perhaps, in time, we will become firm friends. I hope so; in the meantime, enjoy the journey… and feel free to share yours with me.

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